Thursday, April 21, 2016

Whats New With Me

I haven't blogged in a while, which is pretty much the standard with me. I'll write a blog post then life gets in the way, and then 4 months later I'll do another one, I am not a huge blogger but I do like to share my stores whoever wants to read them. 

What's new you ask? Well, I started my own online jewelry store Punkadilly Buttons in January of 2016 so we're on month 4! This is my 3rd baby and I treat it as that. I do have a full time day job as an office manager at a construction company called Champion Window Co. I love my job and have been there for over 10 years. I felt as though I have been missing something in my life. I joined some direct sales companies thinking that's what I needed. I was seeing people enjoying it and making money so I tried it out. It turned out that's not really what I wanted. I am not sales person and I felt as tho that's what I needed to be. 

Punkadilly Buttons I could say fell into my lap one day and I ran with it. Thought of a name, bought some supplies and built a website. I am so happy now doing what I love and enjoy. I am doing local craft fairs and will be doing house parties soon. I want to build my business as far as I can take it. Its something that I do, I make and I personalize. I stand behind my jewelry and put my all into it. It makes me proud. 

My babies. I love these girls more than anything in the world. They make me smile, cry, mad, and so pissed off at times but I wouldn't have it any other way! Courtney just turned 5 on March 29th and Lilly is 2 1/2. They are so cute together and have such a sisterly bond, sometimes I am definitely out numbered. 

Courtney is a little firecracker and has a huge personality for such a little person. She is my social butterfly and is not afraid to talk to anybody that passes by. She made a squirrel friend and calls him Fuzzy. The other day she wanted to help our neighbor do some lawn work. She brought over her broom and got to work. She has become her own "women".

Lilly I would have to say is a Mommies Girl right now. Every where I go she is there. Taking selfies, Working out, Cleaning and working on Punkadilly Buttons. She is my little baby even tho she is almost 3. She also is becoming a littler stinker. The attitude is showing and the pouting. She kicks, screams and even runs away and slams her door. Which she got from her "Sissy".  She still loves to snuggle and be held and I will take advantage of that until the day it ends. 

I can't forget our little.. or should I say big Fanny aka Fatty Fanny or FannyBananny. We got her in November of 2015 and she has been such a great addition to our family. She deals with the girls antics, well mostly Courtney! Courtney will not leave her alone. Poor thing. She really is the best kitty for our family and has been such an sweetie pie. She obviously loves it here too. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Weight Watchers SmartPoints ... Love it or Hate it?

I am fairly new to Weight Watchers, started in September of this year (2015).  I started with my mom so we both had an accountability partner so to speak.  We signed up for online and for the meetings which I am loving! Our Saturday morning meetings are the best. The Group Leader Lissette is Amazesauce and the people are so fun.

I really didn't know what to except from WW when I started.  It's such an "OLD" company I figured their ways would be old. I thought they would make me eat their boxed food which is high in sodium and not that great for you. I thought I would be starving. Eat less weigh less mentality. I was a little apprehensive about WW and the whole eat whatever you want and loss weight.. but is it healthy?!

It was more about portion control and eating the serving size instead of 5 serving sizes! I have pretty much tried every diet out there. I have a good understanding of what is healthy and what is just a FAD diet. I understand the need for Proteins, Veggies, Fats and Carbs. I know the concept of too much sugar is no good - holds water.. etc. I realize that there are "good fats" that our body needs. 

WW had a decent concept on those items. I felt though that they could use an update on how to track said items. You need to be watching Fiber, Sugar, Sodium, Etc. So when talk of a "NEW" WW came about I was super duper excited - I knew it had to be something around the macros and counting them as well. This is a lifestyle my fit friends. This is not supposed to be a diet. Diets do not work. You have to commit to this and make it a lifestyle change not a quick fix. 

When SmartPoints starting flying around the Internet and Instagram I was pretty excited. I don't mind that some things went up, because in turn Proteins went down which makes me smile big :) We need more proteins and less sugars in our life. Even if we are losing weight the other way, wouldn't you want to be losing weight the RIGHT way?! Smartpoints is the right way. So you have to log extra macros.. SO WHAT!!! So those cookies that you love went up 3 points. Don't eat them! 

Beyond the scale is more about getting healthy while losing weight or even maintaining.  Its not about just dropping pounds to drop pounds. You are not valued by the number on that square devil aka scale. Don't you care what you are putting in your body? Wouldn't you rather eat veggies and fruits - more proteins and better carbs than Sugar and Sodium and Saturated Fats?! 

We all get nervous with change, but we are changing ourselves so why are we so scared about WW changing with us?! Times-are-a-changing people. Get with the times! This is a GOOD thing. We need this in our lives. You need this to be the best you, you can be! 

Til Next Time Loves

Nicki Rae <3 xoxo

Check out my WW Journey on instagram @nicki_rae04 #NickiRaesWWJourney

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Weight Watchers Journey .. #NickiRaesWWJourney

Hi, my name is Nicki and I am a dietholic.  I feel like I have tried it all. Low carb, low fat, no carb aka bitch mode, 21 day diets, 24 day diets, 3 day cleanse, The list goes on and on and on! You know what? They all work. They all work for a about 5 minutes until you realize your starving. Those diets are not a lifestyle change. They are exactly what they are - a diet. Diets are a quick fix. They work in that moment.

It took me a while to realize that I need to change my thinking and my "dieting". Losing weight is not a quick process, it takes time and effort. All the diets I did and the weight I lost I put back on and then some.  We are so focus on quick fixes. Putting on the weight did not happen over night, so taking it off won't either. Its a slow and steady process. It takes time. It becomes a learning process and a lifestyle change.

I started Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago. I have lost 9.4 lbs and I feel Amazing. Some weeks I lose nothing, some weeks I lose only .4lbs. Some I may gain, and that's ok. I can learn from my mistakes and move on. The key is not to give up. Keep moving forward.

I think one of the biggest things for me is the weigh in's.  I am not just weighing in alone in my basement. I can't make excuses to myself when the scale is jumping up and up! I literally go every Saturday to meetings and weigh in. Having to get on a scale in front of the same people every week definitely has me think twice about have #AllTheCookies. 

"Why did you gain this week" uhhhh.... Cause I love Pumpkin Milano Cookies?! I can now say that I can have just one! Its all about portions and self control. Don't eat too much, Don't eat to little.. 3 little bears story.. Eat Just Enough. 

So to give you a breakdown I get 26 points a day PLUS 49 for the whole week. I can use those or not! I use them for Taco night. Got to have my tacos hehe, For me it's not about eating whatever I want its about finding healthier options of the things I love. Instead of eating a huge bowl of pasta, I usually head over to Drizzle Me Skinny and find a healthier pasta option,  Her website has been my go to for breakfast, dinners and snacks! You must check it out, I also have her apps Drizzle Me Skinny & Drizzle Me Sweet.

You also earn activity points. My FitBit is linked to my Weight Watchers app and tells me the points I've earned. You can chose to eat up these points if you want. I am currently not eating my activity points. I am looking to lose right now and eating my activity points would be more maintenance mode then weight loss.  

I still eat chocolate, I still eat tacos, I still eat carbs, I still eat fat. Please know you do not have to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact that's exactly what you DO NOT want to do. You must make sure you are getting enough to eat or you will not lose. It has been embedded in our brains to eat less, eat less, eat less.... This is not the case my loves.  I eat 5-6 times a day and workout. That's it... That's the secret. 

Now go and eat something! 

Follow my WW journey on Instagram #NickiRaesWWJourney @NickiRae04

Until next time,

Nicki Rae

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Advocare & Younique Updates

Stay Gorgeous
Nicki Rae xoxo

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme, Too Extreme?

Happy Hump Day Lovies. I wanted to update y'all on my 21 Day Fix Extreme experience.   I started this workout being super excited. I did the original version of 21 Day Fix and LOVED it. So I thought I would love this as well.

Well about a week and a half in my hips and back started hurting so bad. The works are more extreme, duh. I knew that they would be, what I didn't know was that there would be a lot of jumping. One legged jumps, sumo squat jumps, burpees, split lunge jumps... My hips/back can not handle all that.

I was super sad that I couldn't finish this workout. I had high hopes for it. It is a great workout, it is extreme and you will get results. If you can handle the jumping. I just couldn't. So I have moved on to a Hybrid workout of ChaLean Exteme and the orginial 21 Day Fix. I am super excited about becuase I have done both workouts seperatly and have gotten great results! My body response best to lifting and minimual cardio. 

I am doing 12 weeks of this hybrid workout. I have a wedding to attend in June and my goal is to be under 145 by then. I have been struggling with 154-151 for 3 weeks now. I need to focus and re-commit to my workouts and eating heathy. Stick to one cheat meal a week not a whole weekend!  

Til Next Time,
Nicki Rae xoxo

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Whats New With Me

I haven't blogged in a while, which is pretty much the standard with me. I'll write a blog post then life gets in the way, and then 4 months later I'll do another one, I am not a huge blogger but I do like to share my stores whoever wants to read them. 

What's new you ask? Well, I started my own online jewelry store Punkadilly Buttons in January of 2016 so we're on month 4! This is my 3rd baby and I treat it as that. I do have a full time day job as an office manager at a construction company called Champion Window Co. I love my job and have been there for over 10 years. I felt as though I have been missing something in my life. I joined some direct sales companies thinking that's what I needed. I was seeing people enjoying it and making money so I tried it out. It turned out that's not really what I wanted. I am not sales person and I felt as tho that's what I needed to be. 

Punkadilly Buttons I could say fell into my lap one day and I ran with it. Thought of a name, bought some supplies and built a website. I am so happy now doing what I love and enjoy. I am doing local craft fairs and will be doing house parties soon. I want to build my business as far as I can take it. Its something that I do, I make and I personalize. I stand behind my jewelry and put my all into it. It makes me proud. 

My babies. I love these girls more than anything in the world. They make me smile, cry, mad, and so pissed off at times but I wouldn't have it any other way! Courtney just turned 5 on March 29th and Lilly is 2 1/2. They are so cute together and have such a sisterly bond, sometimes I am definitely out numbered. 

Courtney is a little firecracker and has a huge personality for such a little person. She is my social butterfly and is not afraid to talk to anybody that passes by. She made a squirrel friend and calls him Fuzzy. The other day she wanted to help our neighbor do some lawn work. She brought over her broom and got to work. She has become her own "women".

Lilly I would have to say is a Mommies Girl right now. Every where I go she is there. Taking selfies, Working out, Cleaning and working on Punkadilly Buttons. She is my little baby even tho she is almost 3. She also is becoming a littler stinker. The attitude is showing and the pouting. She kicks, screams and even runs away and slams her door. Which she got from her "Sissy".  She still loves to snuggle and be held and I will take advantage of that until the day it ends. 

I can't forget our little.. or should I say big Fanny aka Fatty Fanny or FannyBananny. We got her in November of 2015 and she has been such a great addition to our family. She deals with the girls antics, well mostly Courtney! Courtney will not leave her alone. Poor thing. She really is the best kitty for our family and has been such an sweetie pie. She obviously loves it here too. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Weight Watchers SmartPoints ... Love it or Hate it?

I am fairly new to Weight Watchers, started in September of this year (2015).  I started with my mom so we both had an accountability partner so to speak.  We signed up for online and for the meetings which I am loving! Our Saturday morning meetings are the best. The Group Leader Lissette is Amazesauce and the people are so fun.

I really didn't know what to except from WW when I started.  It's such an "OLD" company I figured their ways would be old. I thought they would make me eat their boxed food which is high in sodium and not that great for you. I thought I would be starving. Eat less weigh less mentality. I was a little apprehensive about WW and the whole eat whatever you want and loss weight.. but is it healthy?!

It was more about portion control and eating the serving size instead of 5 serving sizes! I have pretty much tried every diet out there. I have a good understanding of what is healthy and what is just a FAD diet. I understand the need for Proteins, Veggies, Fats and Carbs. I know the concept of too much sugar is no good - holds water.. etc. I realize that there are "good fats" that our body needs. 

WW had a decent concept on those items. I felt though that they could use an update on how to track said items. You need to be watching Fiber, Sugar, Sodium, Etc. So when talk of a "NEW" WW came about I was super duper excited - I knew it had to be something around the macros and counting them as well. This is a lifestyle my fit friends. This is not supposed to be a diet. Diets do not work. You have to commit to this and make it a lifestyle change not a quick fix. 

When SmartPoints starting flying around the Internet and Instagram I was pretty excited. I don't mind that some things went up, because in turn Proteins went down which makes me smile big :) We need more proteins and less sugars in our life. Even if we are losing weight the other way, wouldn't you want to be losing weight the RIGHT way?! Smartpoints is the right way. So you have to log extra macros.. SO WHAT!!! So those cookies that you love went up 3 points. Don't eat them! 

Beyond the scale is more about getting healthy while losing weight or even maintaining.  Its not about just dropping pounds to drop pounds. You are not valued by the number on that square devil aka scale. Don't you care what you are putting in your body? Wouldn't you rather eat veggies and fruits - more proteins and better carbs than Sugar and Sodium and Saturated Fats?! 

We all get nervous with change, but we are changing ourselves so why are we so scared about WW changing with us?! Times-are-a-changing people. Get with the times! This is a GOOD thing. We need this in our lives. You need this to be the best you, you can be! 

Til Next Time Loves

Nicki Rae <3 xoxo

Check out my WW Journey on instagram @nicki_rae04 #NickiRaesWWJourney

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Weight Watchers Journey .. #NickiRaesWWJourney

Hi, my name is Nicki and I am a dietholic.  I feel like I have tried it all. Low carb, low fat, no carb aka bitch mode, 21 day diets, 24 day diets, 3 day cleanse, The list goes on and on and on! You know what? They all work. They all work for a about 5 minutes until you realize your starving. Those diets are not a lifestyle change. They are exactly what they are - a diet. Diets are a quick fix. They work in that moment.

It took me a while to realize that I need to change my thinking and my "dieting". Losing weight is not a quick process, it takes time and effort. All the diets I did and the weight I lost I put back on and then some.  We are so focus on quick fixes. Putting on the weight did not happen over night, so taking it off won't either. Its a slow and steady process. It takes time. It becomes a learning process and a lifestyle change.

I started Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago. I have lost 9.4 lbs and I feel Amazing. Some weeks I lose nothing, some weeks I lose only .4lbs. Some I may gain, and that's ok. I can learn from my mistakes and move on. The key is not to give up. Keep moving forward.

I think one of the biggest things for me is the weigh in's.  I am not just weighing in alone in my basement. I can't make excuses to myself when the scale is jumping up and up! I literally go every Saturday to meetings and weigh in. Having to get on a scale in front of the same people every week definitely has me think twice about have #AllTheCookies. 

"Why did you gain this week" uhhhh.... Cause I love Pumpkin Milano Cookies?! I can now say that I can have just one! Its all about portions and self control. Don't eat too much, Don't eat to little.. 3 little bears story.. Eat Just Enough. 

So to give you a breakdown I get 26 points a day PLUS 49 for the whole week. I can use those or not! I use them for Taco night. Got to have my tacos hehe, For me it's not about eating whatever I want its about finding healthier options of the things I love. Instead of eating a huge bowl of pasta, I usually head over to Drizzle Me Skinny and find a healthier pasta option,  Her website has been my go to for breakfast, dinners and snacks! You must check it out, I also have her apps Drizzle Me Skinny & Drizzle Me Sweet.

You also earn activity points. My FitBit is linked to my Weight Watchers app and tells me the points I've earned. You can chose to eat up these points if you want. I am currently not eating my activity points. I am looking to lose right now and eating my activity points would be more maintenance mode then weight loss.  

I still eat chocolate, I still eat tacos, I still eat carbs, I still eat fat. Please know you do not have to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact that's exactly what you DO NOT want to do. You must make sure you are getting enough to eat or you will not lose. It has been embedded in our brains to eat less, eat less, eat less.... This is not the case my loves.  I eat 5-6 times a day and workout. That's it... That's the secret. 

Now go and eat something! 

Follow my WW journey on Instagram #NickiRaesWWJourney @NickiRae04

Until next time,

Nicki Rae

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme, Too Extreme?

Happy Hump Day Lovies. I wanted to update y'all on my 21 Day Fix Extreme experience.   I started this workout being super excited. I did the original version of 21 Day Fix and LOVED it. So I thought I would love this as well.

Well about a week and a half in my hips and back started hurting so bad. The works are more extreme, duh. I knew that they would be, what I didn't know was that there would be a lot of jumping. One legged jumps, sumo squat jumps, burpees, split lunge jumps... My hips/back can not handle all that.

I was super sad that I couldn't finish this workout. I had high hopes for it. It is a great workout, it is extreme and you will get results. If you can handle the jumping. I just couldn't. So I have moved on to a Hybrid workout of ChaLean Exteme and the orginial 21 Day Fix. I am super excited about becuase I have done both workouts seperatly and have gotten great results! My body response best to lifting and minimual cardio. 

I am doing 12 weeks of this hybrid workout. I have a wedding to attend in June and my goal is to be under 145 by then. I have been struggling with 154-151 for 3 weeks now. I need to focus and re-commit to my workouts and eating heathy. Stick to one cheat meal a week not a whole weekend!  

Til Next Time,
Nicki Rae xoxo