Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's been a while!

I'm sure y'all have wondered where I have been.. or not LOL.  Well I got pregnant again (my 2nd) in December of 2012! I thought that since I was doing so well with my fitness journey while not being pregnant I would continue that same routine into my pregnancy... YA RIGHT!!! The cheese fries got me! They were just so delicious I couldn't help myself.  I swear I did try to eat healthy but that food was just not enough and never satisfied me. I was ALWAYS hungry, so I ate and I ate A LOT!!! I gained 56 L-Bs and didn't care haha ( for the time being )
Damn Cheese Fries

My workouts consisted of walking to and from the fridge! I tried to workout and that lasted the first 5 weeks, I felt tired and week and not like my self - I got pi**ed off so I stopped working out all together - NOT SMART!!  There I am 202lbs - OMG I was a fat! I know, I know, I was "pregnant" not fat but seriously I was fat! All my hard work - down the tubes for some damn cheese fries.
202 lbs 9 months pregnant
Well here we are present day 34 lbs down in 5 weeks and I haven't even started working out yet!! I have been watching what I eat and breastfeeding.. seriously ladies breastfeed - Its great for weight loss, Oh and for the baby too LOL. Who knew you could lose 34 lbs in 5 weeks without going on some stupid "don't eat anything but lettuce" diet! So October 21st I should be able to start working out again. I will be starting with TurboFire which will last 90 days - I will update my progress every 30 days.  Then I will probably move on to T25 (another beachbody workout) which is 10 weeks long.  Okay, peeps catch y'all later!!

End Picture 34lb loss (168lbs)

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's been a while!

I'm sure y'all have wondered where I have been.. or not LOL.  Well I got pregnant again (my 2nd) in December of 2012! I thought that since I was doing so well with my fitness journey while not being pregnant I would continue that same routine into my pregnancy... YA RIGHT!!! The cheese fries got me! They were just so delicious I couldn't help myself.  I swear I did try to eat healthy but that food was just not enough and never satisfied me. I was ALWAYS hungry, so I ate and I ate A LOT!!! I gained 56 L-Bs and didn't care haha ( for the time being )
Damn Cheese Fries

My workouts consisted of walking to and from the fridge! I tried to workout and that lasted the first 5 weeks, I felt tired and week and not like my self - I got pi**ed off so I stopped working out all together - NOT SMART!!  There I am 202lbs - OMG I was a fat! I know, I know, I was "pregnant" not fat but seriously I was fat! All my hard work - down the tubes for some damn cheese fries.
202 lbs 9 months pregnant
Well here we are present day 34 lbs down in 5 weeks and I haven't even started working out yet!! I have been watching what I eat and breastfeeding.. seriously ladies breastfeed - Its great for weight loss, Oh and for the baby too LOL. Who knew you could lose 34 lbs in 5 weeks without going on some stupid "don't eat anything but lettuce" diet! So October 21st I should be able to start working out again. I will be starting with TurboFire which will last 90 days - I will update my progress every 30 days.  Then I will probably move on to T25 (another beachbody workout) which is 10 weeks long.  Okay, peeps catch y'all later!!

End Picture 34lb loss (168lbs)

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