To be honest, I have never done a review on a movie, but I feel that I needed to do one for 50 Shades of Grey. There are a lot of opinions out there about this movie. Some from women who have read the book, some from women how have not read the book and of course the news and Internet. Most of these comments (in my opinion) are not valid unless you have read the book or actually seen the movie.
I have done both - so here is my opinion.
Please stop reading now if you "can't handle the truth"
The things people are saying about the movie are just ridiculous. Things like, abuse, rape, stalker, controlling, etc. The only thing that is true is that he is controlling. If you have read the books you would know why he is controlling. It is not just because he wants to be. He has issues. Who doesn't tho? Come on people! I personally have some inner issues that I am dealing with. Does that make me a horrible person NO!
In NO WAY does he rape her EVER! In NO WAY is he abusive. Everything he does to her she agrees too. She says YES. He reminds her to use her safe words (Yellow & Red), he asks her how it felt, he is always making sure she is ok and wants to go on. She says YES! Last time I checked YES meant the opposite of NO, which equal consent!
The movie pretty much follow the book pretty well. There are a few parts that are speed along for the movies sake. I would say that they did a great job making this movie as real as they could compared to the book. The characters work well together and have that certain sexual chemistry that you get from the book.
I thought when I first saw who would be playing Christen Grey and Anastasia Steele I was worried. I thought that Jamie Dornan would, well suck! Well I was wrong. He did a great job in convincing me of the part he was playing. I thought Dakota Johnson did a fabulous job as well. She played a great naive virgin turn submissive. Together they perfect. Again, I wouldn't have minded someone else, but I didn't hate who they had!
The ending... This may have been the only scene that was hard to watch. They are fighting. She ASKS Christen to show her how he wants to punish her. AGAIN, she asked for it. Once they are in the "Red Room of Pain" as Miss Steele calls it. He asks her again if this is what she wants.
She ends up basically freaked up by what he did and walks out. Let me end with this. It's a movie. It's not real. It's a story. It's NOT REAL!!!!
Some people are taking this way to seriously and blowing it up to be some horrible abusive relationship. She is a grown women and can walk away at any time! Read the book / watch the movie before you make an opinion about something you have no idea about.
Google "abusive relationship movies".. I've found at least 19 so far. Why are we not talking about those?!!!!
Happy Monday Loves,
xoxo Nicki Rae xoxo
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